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Best Value!
~20% off when you subscribe annually
✔️ 14+ self-paced video chapters, 120+ minutes of video-chapter content 🎬
✔️ Downloadable Wine Guides with ~every chapter 📘
✔️ FREE access to live and virtual wine tastings with Ashwin 🍷
✔️ Added to unPINNED’s Instagram Close Friends 👯♂️
✔️ Access to quiz explanations on our Instagram ❓
Online Course Only
Light Membership
~20% off when you subscribe annually
✔️ 10+ self-paced video chapters, 90+ minutes of film content 🎬
Feel Like You’re a Part of Our Team
~20% off when you subscribe annually
✔️ Everything from the All-Access Membership
✔️ Your name in the credits as a Supporting Producer 🎞️
✔️ Early access to content before it is released 🍿
✔️ Exclusive behind-the-scenes and blooper content from our shoots 😅
✔️ Propose new content ideas 💡
Work in the Service Industry?
Still Have Questions?
Because we are unequivocally opposed to anyone that approaches wine with pretentiousness. We don’t believe in namedropping expensive bottles and fancy chateaus. We don’t believe in shiny certificates. We certainly don’t believe in points and ratings. No more sommelier pins and people that worship them.
That’s why we’re called unPINNED.
It’s super simple. You can sign up for a membership here. Or, if you’re not ready to commit, you can check out our free How to Talk About Wine Mini-Course (It’s free. It’s Awesome). From there, you can watch on your phone, on a tablet, on a computer, or cast from any of those devices to your TV.
We have three tiers to our Memberships: Light, All-Access, and Supporter.
The Light Membership includes access to all the video-chapters. It's $3.99/mo. and is meant for those on a strict budget. It's our way of making it possible to learn about wine even if we can't make ends meet.
The All-Access Membership is by far our most popular tier because it includes all the video-chapters + downloadable Wine Guides with ~every chapter and live virtual tastings with Ashwin every month. Finally, the All-Access Membership grants you access to our "Close Friends" list on IG, where we post quiz-explanations daily, and where Ashwin "Goes Live" somewhat regularly. The All-Access Membership is $9.99/mo.
The Supporter Membership is for those that want to support our creative work a step further and feel like a part of our team. This Membership tier includes everything from the All-Access Membership plus credit features in our films, exclusive Behind-the-Scenes content, and early access to our releases. The Supporter Membership is $19.99/mo.
No, because we are focused solely on wine education, and we do not sell wine or alcohol. As soon you start “selling,” you’re no longer teaching as a primary objective, which sets up perverse incentives and makes the learning experience worse. We are clear that unPINNED is about education.
We have curated the wines for you to purchase either at your local wine store or via our import/distributor/retailer partners. It was a lot of work, and we make no money on this. We did it because we care 🍷❤️.
The unPINNED Wine Course is constantly growing with new content dropping monthly! It's already ~13 chapters and 90+ minutes of content. Every month, there's a new content-drop. Lots more coming soon!
The unPINNED Memberships include 90+ minutes of video-chapters, downloadable Wine Guides, Zoom wine tastings with our host, Ashwin Muthiah, access to in-person wine tasting events, and more. What's included in your membership depends on which tier you join.
We have three tiers to our Memberships: Light, All-Access, and Supporter.
The Light Membership includes access to all the video-chapters. It's $3.99/mo. and is meant for those on a strict budget. It's our way of making it possible to learn about wine even if we can't make ends meet.
The All-Access Membership is by far our most popular tier because it includes all the video-chapters + downloadable Wine Guides with ~every chapter and live virtual tastings with Ashwin every month. Finally, the All-Access Membership grants you access to our "Close Friends" list on IG, where we post quiz-explanations daily, and where Ashwin "Goes Live" somewhat regularly. The All-Access Membership is $9.99/mo.
The Supporter Membership is for those that want to support our creative work a step further and feel like a part of our team. This Membership tier includes everything from the All-Access Membership plus credit features in our films, exclusive Behind-the-Scenes content, and early access to our releases. The Supporter Membership is $19.99/mo.
As long as you're a member, you have access to all the course content, including all the new stuff that drops monthly!
We have three tiers to our Memberships: Light, All-Access, and Supporter.
The Light Membership includes access to all the video-chapters. It's $3.99/mo. and is meant for those on a strict budget. It's our way of making it possible to learn about wine even if we can't make ends meet.
The All-Access Membership is by far our most popular tier because it includes all the video-chapters + downloadable Wine Guides with ~every chapter and live virtual tastings with Ashwin every month. Finally, the All-Access Membership grants you access to our "Close Friends" list on IG, where we post quiz-explanations daily, and where Ashwin "Goes Live" somewhat regularly. The All-Access Membership is $9.99/mo.
The Supporter Membership is for those that want to support our creative work a step further and feel like a part of our team. This Membership tier includes everything from the All-Access Membership plus credit features in our films, exclusive Behind-the-Scenes content, and early access to our releases. The Supporter Membership is $19.99/mo.
Since we're a digital subscription product, we can't offer any refunds. But, you can cancel your Membership anytime, and you won't be charged any more. If you really *hated * your experience, please let us know (1) so we can make it right and (2) so we can learn from it and do better. This has actually never happened before, but, in case it does, please let us know.